Notification Content Guidelines

Navigating cross platform messaging is not a easy task. Each platform supports different fields and different display formats. This guide will show you examples of how notifications are displayed on the most common platforms, so you can understand what works and what to expect on each.

Anatomy of a Notification

Teak provides a distinct editor for each platform, allowing you to adjust content based on platform-specific requirements. We’ll cover the different fields used by each platform, such as title, message, image, and action buttons, and explain how each is displayed in the notification.

Recommended Image Sizes

In the Teak dashboard, you will find suggested image sizes as help text wherever you can upload an image. If those guidelines are different from the guidelines in this document, follow the guidelines on the dashboard, and please let us know about the discrepancy.

iOS Push Notifications

On iOS, there are two views, default and expanded. All notifications are intially shown in the default size, and the Expanded view is only show if the user taps and holds on the notification to expand it.

iOS small/unexpanded notification

iOS large/expanded notification

ios small
ios ev

1) Title 2) Subtitle 3) Message 4) Thumbnail 5) App Icon 6) Expanded View 7) Buttons

Android Push Notifications

On Android, Teak offers 2 different layouts: Default and 'iOS Style'. Each of these has a standard view and an expanded view as well.

Default Android Layout

On Android, default notifications can be text, or a full width image.

Android small/unexpanded notification

Android large/expanded notification

android default
Message Only
android expanded
android banner
With Background Image

1) Message 2) Badge 3) Banner Image 4) Expanded View 5) Buttons

Android 'iOS Style' Layout

Teak also offers a custom Android notifications layout that is designed to look like the iOS notification with a thumbnail. This is useful when you want to reuse the same art assets across both platforms.

Android small/unexpanded iOS Style notification

Android large/expanded iOS Style notification

android ios style subtitle
With Subtitle (bolded second line)
android ios style expanded
android ios style message
With Message Only

1) Title 2) Subtitle 3) Message 4) Thumbnail 5) Badge 6) Expanded View 7) Buttons

Web Push on Mobile

Web browsers on mobile are an important platform to consider for Web Push. Here, we find even more combinations of platforms and browsers. For now, we will only cover the most common ones. Safari on iOS and Chrome on Android.

We’ll cover Chrome on both Mac and Windows in the desktop/web section later.

Safari iOS Web Push Layout

Web Push on iOS Safari does not support thumbnails or an expanded view.

iOS Safari Web Push notification
ios web

1) Title 2) App Name 3) Message 4) App Icon

Chrome Android Web Push Layout

Set up the badge image on the settings page of the Teak Dashboard.

Android Chrome Web Push small/unexpanded

Android Chrome Web Push large/expanded

android web small
android web expanded

1) Title 2) Message 3) Thumbnail 4) Badge 5) Expanded View 6) App Name

Desktop Web Push Notification Styles

Different browsers can display notifications slightly different on desktops. But they are all limited by the notifications that the OS supports. For now, we’ll only look at Chrome for Mac and Windows. If you have players using other browsers, we recommend testing those as well.

If you would like to see another browser/OS combo documented, just ask.

Chrome on macOS

macOS notifications do not support expanded view. The thumbnail on the right is important for your branding, since the left icon will always be the browser icon.

Chrome on macOS Web Push notification
macos web

1) Title 2) Website URL 3) Message 4) Thumbnail 5) Browser Icon

Chrome on Windows

Chrome for Windows supports an expanded view. The expanded view will be shown on delivery.

Chrome on Windows Web Push notification
windows web

1) Title 2) Message 3) Website URL 4) Thumbnail 5) Browser Info 6) Expanded View

Android Image Safe Areas

Android device vendors customize hardware and software, resulting in variations in screen sizes, aspect ratios, and display features, which causes images to be cropped differently across devices.

To account for these differences, we refer to a 'safe area' within an image. This is the region where critical content, such as text, should be placed to ensure it is always visible. The area outside the safe area may be cropped on some devices but not others.

We established the safe area guidelines by using test pattern images and pixel grids on numerous different Android devices to establish image sizes that will maintain aspect ratio, and determined the safe areas inside those sizes in which the content will always be displayed.

Android Banner View

The banner view of an Android Notification is used in both the toast view, and the notification center.

android banner sm g920t
Android Banner View on Lock Screen
android banner notification center sm g920t
Android Banner View in Notification Tray

Android Content

1700x300 png or jpg. Only a centered 1100x300 is 'safe' for content.

The recommended size guarantees native resolution display on xxxhdpi screens, if the content is too large it can be cut in half to 850x150.

Android Expanded View

The expanded view of an Android notification is used in the notification center.

android expanded sm g920t
Android Expanded View


1700x850 png or jpg. The entire area is 'safe' for content.

The recommended size guarantees native resolution display on xxxhdpi screens, if the content is too large it can be cut in half to 850x425.

iOS Safe Areas

Expanded View

The expanded view of an iOS notification is used when the user force-touches on a notification.

ios expanded iphone 6s
iOS Expanded View


1100x620 png, jpg, gif, or mp4. The entire area is 'safe' for content.

In general iOS will be fine with any size you give it. The recommend size guarantees native resolution display on the X series, but you can give it larger content or reuse your Android expanded view.