iOS Notification Extensions

Do you want Playable Notifications? Buttons in your notifications? Well rest easy…​ Teak’s post-processing scripts will take care of all of this for you, automatically!

Teak uses PlayerSettings.iOS.appleDeveloperTeamID to get the Team ID for the extension.

If your build process changes this at a later time, you’ll need to change it for the extensions as well.

What if I Don’t Use Teak’s Post-processing Scripts?

You need to do these things!

This document assumes that you have a working Xcode project for a game with Teak.

Notification Service Extension

Go to: File  New  Target and choose Notification Service Extension

Name it TeakNotificationService

This will create a group in your Xcode project that looks like this:

service extension group


Add these to the Link Binary with Libraries Build Phase of the extension
  • AdSupport.framework

  • AVFoundation.framework

  • CoreGraphics.framework

  • ImageIO.framework

  • CoreServices.framework

  • StoreKit.framework

  • SystemConfiguration.framework

  • UIKit.framework

  • UserNotifications.framework

  • libTeak.a

service extension link
You can find libTeak.a in Libraries/Teak/Plugins/iOS in the Xcode project structure, and drag it into the 'Link Binary with Libraries' step.


Change the code in TeakNotificationService/NotificationService.h to look like this:

#import <UserNotifications/UserNotifications.h>

// This is the declaration of `TeakNotificationServiceCore`, the implementation
// is in 'libTeak.a'. It is done this way so you do not need to fight with
// include paths.
@interface TeakNotificationServiceCore : UNNotificationServiceExtension
- (void)serviceExtensionTimeWillExpire;

@interface TeakNotificationService : TeakNotificationServiceCore
- (void)serviceExtensionTimeWillExpire;

This declares TeakNotificationServiceCore and inherits from it, which will pull in the functionality from libTeak.a which will take care of everything else.

Change the code in TeakNotificationService/NotificationService.m to look like this:

#import "NotificationService.h"

@implementation TeakNotificationService
- (void)serviceExtensionTimeWillExpire {
    [super serviceExtensionTimeWillExpire];

Notification Content Extension

Go to: File  New  Target and choose Notification Content Extension

Name it TeakNotificationContent

Delete the auto-generated NotificationViewController.storyboard from your project.

You should now have a group in your Xcode project that looks like this:



Add these to the Link Binary with Libraries Build Phase of the extension
  • AdSupport.framework

  • AVFoundation.framework

  • CoreGraphics.framework

  • ImageIO.framework

  • CoreServices.framework

  • StoreKit.framework

  • SystemConfiguration.framework

  • UIKit.framework

  • UserNotifications.framework

  • UserNotificationsUI.framework

  • libTeak.a


You can find libTeak.a in Libraries/Teak/Plugins/iOS in the Xcode project structure, and drag it into the 'Link Binary with Libraries' step.


Change the code in TeakNotificationContent/NotificationViewController.h to look like this:

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

// This is the declaration of `TeakNotificationViewControllerCore`, the implementation
// is in 'libTeak.a'. It is done this way so you do not need to fight with
// include paths.
@interface TeakNotificationViewControllerCore : UIViewController
- (void)viewDidLoad;

@interface TeakNotificationViewController : TeakNotificationViewControllerCore
- (void)viewDidLoad;

Change the code in TeakNotificationContent/NotificationViewController.m to look like this:

#import "NotificationViewController.h"

@implementation TeakNotificationViewController
- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];


You can also download the latest copy of this PList here

Open TeakNotificationContent/Info.plist with a text editor and replace the contents with:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">


Set up an iOS notification with an expanded view using both a button and an animated GIF.

Make it a happy one, so you can celebrate. Here’s a classic

notification extension test setup

Preview the notification, and send it to your test device. The preview should look like this:

small view ios

The expanded view should look like this:

big view ios

I see the GIF, but no buttons

Check to make sure that TeakNotificationViewController is being built properly, and that TeakNotificationContent/Info.plist contains the contents as specified above.

I see no small image preview

Make sure that TeakNotificationService is being built properly.

We use a Ruby script for automating this process during our testing. Feel free to use it for your own build process as well.

This zip file contains the script, and all needed code and dependencies:

Emails from Apple

You may receive some confusing error/warning emails from Apple that are related to App Extensions.

  • :ref:`version_string_mistatch_email`

  • :ref:`keychain_access_email`