Developer Quick Start

If you just want to jump straight to the essentials, the links you need are all here.

Server API

While most Teak features are handled by the client, some features require server integrations. We recommend starting with the Reward Endpoint (because players love free coins), and then exploring the Server API Overview for a complete look at all backend offerings.

Before You Start

Before you begin integrating Teak into your project, make sure you have:

  1. A game project (iOS, Android, or Facebook).

  2. The ability to test new builds on devices or simulators/emulators.

  3. Access to logs (device console or Unity console) so you can review Teak debugging output.

Preparing Your Game

Depending on your platform and tooling, here are some key setup points before diving into Teak-specific integrations.

If You Use Unity

If You Use Native iOS

If You Use Native Android

Push Credentials

Push notifications are a core part of Teak. Collecting the following credentials in advance will streamline your integration and testing.



Amazon Devices

Next Steps

Here’s a quick recap:

  1. Pick Your Platform and follow the relevant integration guide:

  2. Secure Your Push Credentials for iOS, Android, and/or Amazon devices.

  3. Implement Reward Endpoint if you are responsible for server-side integrations.