Helpful Audiences

There are many useful Audiences to get started. As you expand your marketing plan, here are some Audiences to provide some inspiration!

Tracking Recently Reactivated Players

Players who had been active, but recently had a period of inactivity, but came back via any source

reactivated any

This Audience looks at players who were 7-30D lapsed as of one day ago. Then, we add a Rule for players who played at least once in the past day. Since the final play Rule has no additional Filters, this Audience will report the players who reactivate regardless of how they reactivated.

Some Filter options for the final play Rule would be to specifically look at players who reactivated through certain Channels or Schedules.

This Audience would track players who reactivated by interacting with any Notification, Email, or Link.

reactivated notif email link

Welcome Back

You can create a triggered Schedule to message players who reactivate.

This demonstrates a Schedule and Audience that would message players 3 hours after they return from a 7-30D lapse. The message has been delayed by 3 hours to minimize the chances that the player is still actively playing.

welcome back
welcome back schedule

To continue building on this, you could create new Audiences to target players who were sent previous Notifications in the series.

For example, here is a "24 hours post-reactivation" message, to follow the "3 hour post-reactivation" message above

welcome back 24
welcome back schedule 24
The Audience is looking at players who were sent "Welcome Back - Day 0" 21 hours ago. The first message was delayed 3 hours, so 21 hours since that send would mean they actually reactivated 24 hours ago.

For a "Welcome Back - Day 2" Audience, you could look at players who were sent "Welcome Back - Day 1" between 1 and 2 days ago.

Players who clicked on any of a set of specified Schedules

Start by creating an Audience with a "Campaign Engagement" Rule. The action should be "nlicked on a notification" and add a "schedule" Filter to it.

If you want players who clicked on ANY Schedule, it would look like this

If you wanted players who clicked on ALL Schedules, it would look like this

engagement all

New Players who run out of currency in the first 12 hours, and donโ€™t purchase

new money 12

Players who do not live in the US, and logged in for 3 consecutive days and not the last 3

non us 3
returning email only